One of our first stops on Day 1 was a picture with Mickey. I don't think the kids quite new what was going on yet. We had just barely begun our adventure and the next thing we knew we were having our picture taken with Mickey.
Aiden was just barely tall enough to ride on most of the rides which was great because he loved it! He wanted to go on everything he could. Makayla on the other hand was just young enough she didn't know what she was missing. And because she doesn't turn 3 until January she was still free! wooohooo! She was content watching some shows, ride a few of the kiddie rides, and hanging out in her stroller.
I loved introducing Makayla to the princesses. She is just started to get into the princess stage. And her face was precious when we met Bell. It was so cute...Bell asked her if she went in her closet and got one of her dresses. Makayla didn't quite know what to think but she's been playing "princess" a lot more since our trip.
A personal highlight of all the adults was our breakfast at the Crystal Palace. We ate breakfast with Pooh Bear and all his friends. It was soooooooo worth it. #1 it was HOT and the Crystal Palace was wonderfully air conditioned. And our reservation was for Wednesday and we were a bit tired. So when our waitress told us it would take about 90 mins for all the characters to get around to our table I think Kreg, his parents, and I all sang the Hallelujah Chorus! We got to drink coffee, eat eat and eat, and sit in the air conditioning for almost 2 hours!!
Overall it was a great trip. It was nice having extra help with Kreg's parents along for the adventure and it was a trip I will cherish. Below are a few more of my favorite pics