And while Kreg and I were at the closing, Aiden got to play with grandma. He apparently had a lot of business to conduct on the phone today. He was very talkative and had to multitask to get all his calls made i.e. push his shopping cart while talking on the phone and ride on his car while talking on the phone. Enjoy the pics! And rejoice with us for God is the Great Provider.

Yeah!!! What an answer to prayer! Congratulations!klbbohm
The pictures don't capture how funny it was. He jabbered softly while walking around the circle through the office and family room "talking" constantly as he walked - even when no one was looking! Now that I think about, I guess he sees Uncle Mark and Pawpaw often "pace and talk" when they are in the office, maybe he's just copying what he sees!! Hmmmm...scary thought!
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