Sunday, May 4, 2008

Stinker and Thinker

This past Thursday Aiden and I headed down to Indy for a short visit with my family. We stayed all night down there since Kreg was busy in the fields. We got to hang out with Mark, Mindy, and Luke and Aiden is always excited to see cousin Luke. Mom decided her two grandsons are "stinker and thinker." By looking at the picture can you guess which is which?

Now if you are still having trouble deciding which one is stinker and which one is thinker then just keep reading.

Kreg called us Friday and said he would be done early so Aiden and I decided to head back up here early so as not to miss a minute of precious daddy time. And Aiden was supposed to take his afternoon nap in the car on the way home. haha yeah right....I should have known better than to think he would actually sleep. My son does not sleep in the car (maybe when he's a teenager). So he was a bit tired and at about the half way point we had played with every toy and he wanted nothing to do with them anymore. So I went on a search in my middle console to see if there was anything I could give him to keep him quiet. My hand grabbed a cassette tape and I thought...hmmm....he can't do any harm to this and it can't do any harm to him so ok here ya go with this. Well I will let the rest of the story tell itself:

I couldn't believe how quiet he was being. Minutes and minutes of nice quiet driving time passed by and I thought to myself, "Wow...good job Stace he likes the tape." And then I started to see his little hands pulling something in the rear view mirror (still being very quiet). And then it hit me....oh dear...oh my that's my tape! oops....

I think there are many lessons I could learn from this but to be honest I don't really care because those few moments of fuss free silence were lovely! cute little stinker!

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